
Many years of research on the processes taking place in national economies, reveal the regularity of fluctuations in economic dynamics: the recessions and upswing of business activity are constantly changing each other. The changes caused by such oscillatory processes cover almost all spheres of society. The ideas of cyclicity became widespread in scienceat the beginning of the XIX century, but to this day the nature of the economic cycle, its essence, classification and role in econom-ics is one of the most controversial theories. The main purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical provisions of the study and systematization of the classification of economic cycles.The article investigates the basic theoretical concepts for the definition and classification of types of economic cycles. To do this, we analyzed different classification features that distinguish different types of economic cycles, based on their origin (cyclical fluctuations, non-cyclical), depending on the causes of their occurrence, J.M. Keynes's cycle theory, mone-tary theory of economic cycle M. Friedman , J. Schumpeter's theory of the influence of scientific and technological progress, A.Aftalion theory of disproportion between the production of consumer goods and capital accumulation, M. Tugan-Baranovskyi theory of capital accumulation), operating conditions (cycles of monopolistic competition, cycles of pure mo-nopoly, cycles of free competition) and duration (Forrester cycles lasting 200-400 years; ultra-large age cycles lasting 120 years; J. Model cycles lasting 90-122 years; Schumpeter cycles lasting 50-55 years; H cycles D.Kondratiev, the duration of which is 40-60 years, Thomas cycles, the duration of which is 18-22 years, the cycle and Abramowitz, whose duration is 20 years; Kuznets construction cycles, which last 20 years; Zhulyar cycles, which last 7-11 years; Marx's production cycles, which last 7-11 years; Kitchen cycles lasting 3-5 years; private business cycles lasting 1-2 years. This made it possible to systematize and expand their types on the basis of the duration of economic cycles, as in the available literaturethere is no detailed division on this basis of economic cycles. Thus, the correct selection of classification features of the study of econom-ic cyclicality and the set of macroeconomic parameters used in it, is extremely important for determining the structure and mechanism of formation of economic cycles that are detected.

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