
Technology entrepreneurs play a critical role in modern models of economic growth. At the same time, the features and development trajectories of technological entrepreneurship and gazelle firms in Russia differ from countries with mature market economies. The purpose of the article is to assess the state of academic technology entrepreneurship in Russian universities and to develop recommendations for its development. The methods of two-dimensional classification of universities according to two indicators of technological entrepreneurship development, correlation analysis, assessment of intergroup differences according to the Mann-Whitney U-criterion, qualitative analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems in universities, methods of constructing algorithms were used. As a result, it was found that the number of start-ups and the likelihood of receiving commercial funding are practically not correlated. There is a group of universities that are not among the largest metropolitan universities, but have a high proportion of entrepreneurial projects that have successfully passed the seed stage and received commercial funding (business angel, venture fund). These top performing universities are distinguished not only by their innovative infrastructure, but also by a wide variety of community centers. Taking into account the results obtained an algorithm for the development of academic technological entrepreneurship on the basis of the university as an innovation hub has been developed. Its important elements are: pre-active marketing of scientific research groundwork, development of the social capital of the ecosystem, and collaboration practices. The results may be of interest to technology entrepreneurs themselves, as well as to universities interested in the development of academic entrepreneurship.


  • The features and development trajectories of technological entrepreneurship and gazelle firms in Russia differ from countries with mature market economies

  • The purpose of the article is to assess the state of academic technology entrepreneurship in Russian universities and to develop recommendations for its development

  • The methods of two-dimensional classification of universities according to two indicators of technological entrepreneurship development, correlation analysis, assessment of intergroup differences according to the Mann-Whitney U-criterion, qualitative analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems

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Рудик Левович Корчагин

Вместе с тем особенности и траектории развития технологического предпринимательства, стартапов в России отличаются от тех, что представлены в странах со зрелой рыночной экономикой. Для стран с развивающейся или переходной экономикой, недостаточным уровнем инновационного развития существует задача анализа и формирования именно академического технологического предпринимательства (АТП). Эту роль могут взять на себя только университеты, которые более равномерно распределены по территории страны, особенно если отнести к центрам развития технологического предпринимательства категорию опорных региональных вузов. Лишь 8 университетов из 48 одновременно имеют большое число технологических предпринимательских проектов и высокий удельный вес стартапов, получивших инвестиции. Группа А: явные лидеры развития технологического предпринимательства, входящие одновременно в первый – третий децили по количеству технологических предпринимателей и доле проектов, получивших инвестиции. 1. Классификация университетов России по количеству технологических предпринимателей и доле стартапов, получивших инвестиции Tab. 1. Classification of Russian universities by the number of technology entrepreneurs and the share of startups that have received investments

Доля поддержанных проектов
Центры коллективного пользования
Лицензионные соглашения
Развитие ЦКП
Сотрудничество и среда
Продуктивные МИП
Постпосевные инвестиции
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