
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of the beef market and its impact on the development of the country’s economy. It is emphasized that the importance of national food security and the country’s export potential is an indisputable fact. It is emphasized that an important role in this mission of the state is played by livestock, which provides the population with valuable food. Therefore, the state of development of this branch of agriculture is relevant at present and is one of the priorities of agricultural policy. The importance and role of cattle meat in food security are substantiated. Based on the calculation of five concentration indicators (concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, Hall-Tidman index, market share variance, coefficient of variation, entropy coefficient, relative entropy coefficient), the peculiarities of competition in the domestic meat market are determined. Calculations show that this market is moderately concentrated with a limited oligopoly, has weak market power of economic entities, and a high level of competition in the foreign market of cattle. It is established that ensuring the competitiveness of domestic beef is possible due to the revival of the meat industry based on the development of specialized enterprises, which will reduce production costs, provide affordable prices for beef in rising food prices and product quality standards to enter foreign markets. It is emphasized that the effective development of the meat market will contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine and increase the competitiveness of domestic products. There is still a wide field for research on the mechanisms of state support for the development of livestock in order to restore the potential of the industry and provide the country with stable international positions.

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