
The aim of the study was to establish the degree of the development of the bone marrow and activity of its hematopoietic function by the morphometric parameters of the bones, where it is localized, and the centers of ossification in conjunction with the development of cartilage and bone tissue, define the features of the histo- and cytoarchitectonics of the hematopoietic components in the centers of the bone ossification in piglets. It is submitted, the results of the complex researching of the structural and functional features in the osseous organs (5th thoracal vertebra, 5th costal bone, sternum) in the 60- days age piglets due to their hematopoietic function. The absolute, relative mass, bone density, availability and relative area of their centers of the ossification, the relative area of bone marrow, cartilage and bone tissue in the centers of ossification and the relative area of bone marrow cells (osteogenic, hematopoietic and adipocytes) and the cell stroma (reticular and endothelial cells , macrophages, fibroblasts) in the zones of primary and secondary spongy osteine was determined. It is established that the red bone marrow is an integral component of the centers of the ossificaton, hematopoietic and osteogenic structure of which, together with the components of the hemopoietic microsurrounding, histogenetic topographically closely interrelated. The development of the bone marrow hematopoietic components in the bones of the axial skeleton in the 60-days age piglets expresses with the scale of the enchondral osteohistogenesis. The morphometric characteristics of the ossification centers, the relative quantity of the cells in the bone marrow and osteine, the presence of a multicomponent system of the hemopoietic microsurrounding and expressed zonal structure of spongy bone substance are the main criteria of the degree of development of the bone marrow and, therefore, of the potential blood-forming. It is found that bone marrow cells in the ossification centers of the axial skeleton in the 60-days age pigs characterized by expressed heterogeneous structure and in the primary areas of spongy osteine it has hematopoietic-osteogenic form, in the areas of secondary spongy osteine – insular or diffuse insular hematopoietic form with the presence of the individual adipocytes, the quantity of which increases towards the central zone of the ossification centers. In the areas of the growth, the main cells` population on the periphery of the centers of ossification are the osteoblast cells. In the centers of the secondary spongy osteine, hematopoietic cells are dominated, the largest «concentration» of their are characteristic for the centers sites with a maximum degree development of morphological features of the osteohistogenesis and remodulation of the bone tissue.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

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The structural and functional organization of pigletsbone marrow

Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro Serhii Efremov Str., 25, Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine. The aim of the study was to establish the degree of the development of the bone marrow and activity of its hematopoietic function by the morphometric parameters of the bones, where it is localized, and the centers of ossification in conjunction with the development of cartilage and bone tissue, define the features of the histo- and cytoarchitectonics of the hematopoietic components in the centers of the bone ossification in piglets. Мета роботи – встановити ступінь розвитку кісткового мозку та активність його кровотворної функції за морфометричними показниками кісток, де він локалізується, і осередків закостеніння у взаємозв’язку з розвитком хрящової та кісткової тканин, визначити особливості гісто- та цитоархітектоніки кровотворних компонентів кісток в осередках окостеніння поросят. На рентгенограмах визначали наявність та відносну площу основних та додаткових осередків енхондрального остеогістогенезу та кровотворення до загальної площі рентгенівського відображення органа. Відносну площу (ВП) кісткового мозку, хрящової та кісткової тканин на гістопрепаратах в окремих ООК визначали методом підрахунку крапок за допомогою стандартної окулярної сітки-вставки Г.Г. Статистичну обробку цифрових даних проводили за допомогою персонального комп’ютера та стандартної програми Windows XP «Microsoft Excel»

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