
The relevance of the effectiveness stated in the article, including the problems of conciliation procedures in the Russian Federation, is due to the fact that they occupy an important place in the public life of civil society. The article analyzes the legal mechanisms of pre-trial settlement of conflicts and disputes between the parties with the help of conciliation procedures with the participation of a mediator. The purpose of the article is to study the opportunities provided by the law for the implementation by the courts of the tasks of reconciliation of participants in disputable legal relations. Here, some problems of judicial conciliation in resolving disputes are analyzed. Some changes in procedural legislation are proposed, as well as a set of organizational and financial measures aimed at developing and popularizing conciliation procedures in Russian society. The rather rapid development of entrepreneurship in the country has also led to a large number of controversial issues in doing business, which has led to an increased interest in the rapid resolution of disputes through conciliation procedures. Increasing the effectiveness of decision-making by the method of reconciliation requires a deep analysis of the adopted regulations. The author analyzed the legal support of conciliation procedures, briefly defined the principles of conciliation procedures, noted the distinctive features of the procedures. A brief analysis of the various criteria by which the effectiveness of the conciliation activity of the mediator is assessed is given, the necessary requirements for the full-fledged activity of the mediator himself are outlined. The results of the study can be used to develop an effective legal framework for the development of the institution of conciliation procedures in the Russian Federation.

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