
Most higher education systems set goals for improving competitive positions of national universities as a means to enhance country’s competitiveness. The purpose of the article is to analyze development programs of Russian universities for the availability of competitiveness indicators in them. The content analysis method was used for studying the development programs and strategies of 81 Russian universities by all groups and categories, and further comparison of results with 6 key competitiveness indicators (educational activities, graduates’ employment, research and development, research and innovations, staffing, differentiating characteristics, strategic vision of the university future development) for identification of differences and providing recommendations on strategic planning. As a result, it was revealed that most universities that belonging to the categories of federal, national research and core universities do not pay enough attention to their positioning, target audience identification and strategic vision of the university future development. The main shortcomings in the application of competitiveness indicators were identified and the recommendations that would help universities to analyze past success and to set up the future planning were formulated.

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