
The analysis of the literature data shows the growing interest of researchers in the search for new medicinal plant raw materials. There is scientific evidence demonstrating the prospects for the use in medical practice of parmelia layers containing lichen acids as part of a fraction of polyphenolic substances and water-soluble polysaccharides. Representatives of the Parmeliaceae family have a wide habitat in the Russian Federation, growing on trunks and branches of various tree species, most often deciduous, less often coniferous, but also fixed on rocky surfaces and stones. The lack of modern regulatory documentation for this raw material undoubtedly prevents the introduction of parmelia layers into widespread medical practice. The results of the identified important BAS indicate the relevance and prospects of further studies of parmelia aimed at the subsequent inclusion of selected techniques in the regulatory documentation being developed. The purpose of this work is to conduct a preliminary chemical analysis of the raw materials of parmelia, aimed at identifying and quantifying the main groups of BAS. To carry out qualitative reactions, the analyzed raw materials were crushed, after which aqueous extracts were prepared in accordance with the GPA. "Infusions and decoctions". Water-alcohol extracts were prepared in accordance with the GPA. "Tinctures". In the course of the study, the authors identified such BAS groups as polysaccharides, polyphenolic substances and peptides in the raw materials of the parmelia stratum. The quantitative determination of the amount of water-soluble polysaccharides was carried out by gravimetric methods, polyphenolic substances by the Folin-Chicalteu method.

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