
Analyses qualitative and quantitative changes in the structure of the retail network of state-operated and cooperative trade in Bashkiria in 1945 to 1953. On the basis of archive documents, it shows the main tendencies in developing goods turnover in the republic, and traces the evolution of the retail network towards ever greater coverage of the consumer base. The aim of the research is to determine the effectiveness of the development and distribution of the trade network in Bashkiria in 1945 to 1953. During the post-war economic recovery, the development of trading network in Bashkiria had several main aspects. First, it was steady expansion of the retail network, creating new organizations, constantly shrinking the areas covered by one outlet. Second, the retail network started to specialize actively, which helped build an effective system of selling goods of complex assortment and the overall sales culture. A decrease in prices and the ruble getting stronger led to the rapid growth of solvency among the people, nevertheless, mechanistic distribution of goods among trading organizations caused an unplanned excess of goods which were left in storehouses and in the retail chain. As a result, despite increasing the commodity weight, plans for the goods turnover were not fulfilled completely, in many districts of the republic there were shortages of fast moving consumer goods. The storage departments of factories were highly ineffective. They dispatched goods irregularly, incompletely and violating the set assortment. The main result of the research is the analysis of the dynamics of the expansion of the trade network. It showed a number of problems which negatively affected creating and fulfilling plans for goods turnover.

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