
Based on the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents governing the ful-fillment of engineering and geodetic surveys for construction, the disadvantages of standardizing the accuracy of heights in SP 121.13330.2019 "Aerodromes", actualized edition SNiP 32-03–96 are con-sidered. Attention is drawn to the ambiguity of the given norms for the accuracy of heights, which leads to their free interpretation when calculating the accuracy of the alignment base, the internal alignment network, layout work, and control geodetic measurements. Doubts are expressed to their validity. To illustrate the application of the established accuracy standards, there is given an example of calculating the accuracy of high-altitude layout works and control geodetic measurements, internal high-altitude layout networks and a grid base when constructing structural layers of artificial founda-tions and aerodrome coatings using the "negligible influence" method and taking into account the ac-curacy of technological processes. Here are suggestions on improving the quality of standardization of the accuracy of heights for the construction of airdromes.

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