
The article is devoted to the actual problems of improving the economic tools of environmental management. The analysis of the normative and legal framework made it possible to identify the problems of environmental management. Forms are considered and justified types, procedure, terms and peculiarities of environmental management are proposed. Attention is paid to the issues that arise between participants in industrial relations of environmental management. Proposals for improving the economic tools of ecological management, which are the provision of progressive development of the agrarian sector of the national economy, and the growth of its competitiveness, are substantiated. Numerous problems related to the procedure for conducting a financial and environmental audit are identified. ISO standards of the 1400 series are considered, the purpose of which is involved in guaranteeing the preservation of the environment. It’s established that this standard does not contain strict requirements for ecology, but is oriented towards compliance by business entities with certain procedures that will contribute to the improvement of the environmental situation in the world. These documents stipulate that the system of standards will ensure the reduction of adverse effects on the environment through the relevant areas of improvement of the economic tools of environmental management. The problems of the efficiency of the rational use of land resources and the results of the short-term requirements of landowners or tenants regarding obtaining the maximum profit and, as a result, the depletion of the country's land fund are considered. The results of the study of the financial and environmental audit as part of the environmental protection activities of agricultural enterprises are recommended for implementation not only in farms, but also in all other formations of small and medium-sized agrarian entrepreneurship. A comprehensive approach to the assessment of environmental protection activities of agrarian enterprises is used, which provides sufficient justification for a number of practical recommendations for improving the current organizational and economic mechanism of the financial and environmental audit of the functioning of agrarian enterprises. It’s confirmed that the processes of loss of soil fertility are related to the lack of systematic state regulation of prices for agricultural and industrial products. The reason lies in the lack of an economically justified mechanism for changing the agricultural production management system associated with the differentiation of forms of ownership.

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