
Provisions of the labor legislation were updated by the right of the employer for creation of works councils. The research of structures of non-trade union workers’ representation has special importance for Russian labour law scholarship. This is mostly so because of low efficiency of trade union representation in Russia that is still structurally influenced by centrally-planned economy’ traditions. System of works councils is a fairly complicated institution of labor law, as their activities are closely linked not only to the organization of labor, but also to the economy as well as the sociological aspects of human resource management. The multidimensional inwardness of works councils attached to this institution of labor law special significance, as consequence of their functioning must become strengthening of social dialogue at the level of the organizations and the separated structural divisions, while setting a consensus not only between the parties opposing interests in relation to a particular issue, but also creating a foundation for continuing cooperation in a spirit of cooperation. Creation of works councils is seeking to reinforce social solidarity, more equitable distribution of income between different social classes and sections of the population, increase employees’ interest in the affairs of the company. As part of the dynamic development of social and labor relations non-trade union workers’ representation becomes a key element in the development processes of industrial democracy, having a basis of workers’ participation in administrative decisions in the enterprise, directly affecting their interests, which allows the use of flexible forms of management of the organization, by providing workers the right to information and consultation.

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