
The article comprehends the problem of forming a positive motivation of students for environmentally friendly activities. The relevance of the studio is determined by the fact that this type of activity is one of the main subject-transforming practices that are implemented in the lessons of labor training in high school and technology lessons in high school. The specifics of the professional activity of teachers who provide teaching of these subjects, provides a synthesis of psychological and pedagogical, methodological, educational and production and technical and technological activities. The professional activity of a teacher of labor education and technology is based on a high level of psychological and pedagogical skills, deep knowledge of the basics of modern production, materials science, mechanical engineering; ability to implement the latest technologies for processing various materials. At the same time, the future teacher needs to be motivated, because even high qualification will not have high results of professional activity, if it is not coordinated with the motivational function of the process of this activity. That is why motivation is considered as a psychological phenomenon, which in combination with social, moral, professional intentions contributes to the expected result. An algorithm is formulated, the use of which in educational practice provides a proper pedagogical effect. It is argued that motivation is a set of motives, needs and interests, incentives and situational factors. It is determined that the ecological orientation of the future teacher of labor education and technology involves the search for an individual style of behavior in the environment, responsibility for solving various environmental situations, conscious choice of activities taking into account environmental patterns and harmonious relations "man – nature" and involving students in such activities. The study shows that the creation and application of an environmentally friendly environment, the rational use of resources, the solution of environmental issues are important motives for personal and professional self-affirmation of future teachers of labor training and technology. Key words: motivation, motive, interest, ecological activity, future teacher.

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