
The aim of our research was to study the effect of modern highly effective herbicides on weeds and corn plants. One of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of herbicides is the manifestation phytotoxicity signs of on corn. Phytotoxicity reduces corn grain yield, and plant death may occur if significant damage occurs. The resistance of corn plants to herbicides is determined by the genetic characteristics of hybrids and self-pollinated lines, and depends on external factors, in particular, on air temperature during the chemical treatment of crops. Studies on phytotoxicity of herbicides were conducted for several years in the experimental field of the All-Russian Research Institute of Corn, which is located in the zone of sufficient moisture in Stavropol Territory, at an altitude of 541 m above sea level, 44°N, 43°E. Phyt otoxicity of herbicide Cordus Plus, VDG, was studied in 2017–2018, a tank mixture of herbicides Dublon Super, VDG + Aegis, SC in 2017–2019, herbicide Kreutzer, VDG – in 2018–2021. To study phytotoxicity of herbicides, the same set of hybrids and self-pollinated corn lines of different ripeness groups was sown in each year of research. In the prevailing favorable weather conditions in 2017–2018, the herbicide Cordus Plus destroyed most of the wees phytocenosis and did not cause phytotoxicity in the studied corn samples, except for the sensitive single cross hybrid Alpha M. Application of the tank mixture Dublon Super + Egida in 2017–2018 had no phytotoxic effect on hybrids and parental forms of corn plants. In 2019, under severe drought conditions, phytotoxicity of these herbicides was observed in most of the studied samples. The response of hybrids and self-pollinated lines to the application of Kreutzer herbicide over the years of research was different over the years of research. Even in the absence of drought, the herbicide effected harshly on some corn hybrids and lines and caused significant damage to the plants.

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