
The article discusses the history of the formation of the resort village “Borovoye” in accordance with the Butler’s model. Butler's model itself breaks down the development process of a tourist resort into five separate stages: discovery, growth and development, success, stagnation, renewal. At the first stage, the settlement is explored or discovered by a small number of people. From the sources of those years, it is known that in 1898 in the pine forest surrounding Lake Borovoye, by decree of the tsarist administration, the State Forestry was created to protect forests. In addition, the next decree on the foundation of the health resort followed in 1910, in which patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and other diseases, primarily related to the respiratory system, would be treated. After the establishment of Soviet power and civil confrontation, starting in 1920, the entire area around the settlement of Borovoye was recognized by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars as a resort place that received nationwide significance throughout the RSFSR. Over time, when the uniqueness of the healing air and the diverse flora, as well as the beauty of these places were generally recognized, in 1935 the Borovoye State Reserve was organized. At the stage of growth and development, these places, as a rule, receive a powerful impetus for development, in our case; this is the laying of the railway from Petropavlovsk along the Trans-Siberian Railway in the 20s of the last century and the appearance of a sanatorium in Shchuchinsk. The next phenomenon is the evacuation of scientific institutes and many prominent scientists here during the Great Patriotic War. A new stage in the development of the village began in the 1950s, when the development of virgin and fallow lands began in Northern Kazakhstan. During the period of stagnation and in the difficult nineties, when the republic found itself in a socio-economic crisis, the popularity of the Borovoye resort decreased somewhat, as the income of the population decreased in these years, because of which the initial attractiveness of the resort place weakened. Currently, due to the pandemic, directly related to diseases of the respiratory system, the need for the Borovoye resort has increased dramatically. According to Butler's model, there are two options during the renewal of a tourist resort: to decline, or to rejuvenate and develop more sustainable strategies

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