
Tradition and Joseon white porcelain are important topics in the contemporary ceramic art world. The movement to revive the Korean traditional white porcelain, which was almost cut off through Japanese colonial era and the Kore an War, began to be seen little by little after liberation, a nd has been in full swing since the 2000s and continues to this day. Tradition is not just an element to be reprod uced or inherited, but serves as a source of infinite inspiration and is the basis for the creation of contemporary ce ramic artists.
 The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristic s of Joseon white porcelain and contemporary ceramic wo rks that reinterpreted it, and to seek the value and meani ng of Joseon white porcelain in the contemporary ceramic art world. Joseon white porcelain, which is considered the essence of Korean beauty and has aesthetic characteristics such as ‘naturalness’, ‘generosity’, and ‘simplicity’, is use d as a material to express the artist's formative language.
 Contemporary ceramic works based on tradition reinterpret ed the same Joseon white porcelain, but by examining ho w each artist appears differently and with what creative i ntentions they were produced, we look back on the pheno menon and reason why many Joseon white porcelain are reinterpreted today.
 Therefore, this study selects and analyzes artists who reint erpret Joseon white porcelain and considers its expressive characteristics by classifying them into three types: form, material, and decoration. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that decorative expressions were used the most among the three types of expressions.
 Since the 2000s, it is meaningful in that it has been able to confirm the meaning, future development, scalability, a nd importance of Joseon white porcelain and tradition in the contemporary ceramic art world by comparing and an alyzing contemporary ceramic works and artists' creative i ntentions and expression techniques.

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