
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the general life satisfaction of the population of Rivne region by the constituent elements of life quality. Method. The method of population life quality research of Y.Krupnov was used. The general and static methods, systematic and structural analysis methods, comparative-geographical method have been applied. The regional and national statistics, profile agencies reports have been compiled. Results. The state of demographic well-being of Rivne region is defined as high, the region has one of the highest fertility rates in Ukraine and low numbers of natural decline. The assessment of the quality of life of the population in the category of "health" is with average values in Ukraine. The most common in the region are circulatory system diseases and neoplasms and a high mortality rate from injuries and poisoning. The average life expectancy of the population is 71.6 years and is slightly higher than in Ukraine. The security of the population of the region by individual and social conditions, especially by economic indicators, is low. There is a decrease in the number of general secondary education institutions in the region, but the increase in the number of preschool institutions Improvement in the region's communications corresponds to the level of improvement in Ukraine, and, in our opinion, indicates a sufficient level of quality of life for the population in this category. The average wage in the Rivne region is lower than the national average. The quality of life of the population of Rivne region is estimated as above average and the most effective directions of its growth are substantiated: the fight against poverty through expansion of employment and reduction of the unemployment rate; regulation of the minimum wage, increase of pensions; development and implementation of measures to stimulate the development of small and medium-sized businesses, etc. Scientific novelty. The geographical aspect of the level of population life satisfaction of the studied region is revealed. For the first time the category "life quality" was systematically analyzed by its structural elements on the example of Rivne region. Practical importance. This research results reveal the level of life satisfaction of the population of Rivne region in comparative-geographical aspect and measures to increase it. They can be used to analyze the life quality of the other Ukraine regions population. They can be applied in drawing up programs of regional socio-economic development.

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