
The purpose of the research presented in the article is to analyze a number of problems associated with the development of concepts of an integral system of education and upbringing, their implementation in the activities of universities, including technical ones (on the example of NRU MGSU). The research objectives include the review of the links between the fundamental principles of university education: the unity of teaching and upbringing, fundamentalization, integration of humanitarian, natural science and technical knowledge. This analysis allows us to determine the role and place of the university in the innovative pedagogical system. Methods. Generalization of results, observation, systems approach, induction and deduction. On the basis of historical and comparative analysis, the general and specific features in solving topical issues of education and upbringing in different countries, the specifics of educational processes at different historical stages of the development of Russian society are identified. Results . Based on the analysis of the concepts of foreign and Russian scientists, the key functions of the university as an independent formation of national and technological systems are shown. The historical retrospective introduces the nonlinearity of the development of the university in different models. Conclusions. By analyzing the activities of technical universities, including the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, the article presents a tendency in the development of the education and training system that meets the modern requirements of modernization of higher education in the Russian Federation.

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