
The author analyzed the contradictory statements regarding the present and future of Russian education related to the choice of knowledge priorities between natural sciences and humanities. The author notes that pedagogical science should abandon the paradigm choice between the humanistic values of education and rationalistic technological approaches to the learning process. The author believes that the changes in humanities knowledge should be considered as a consequence of changes in the natural science knowledge. This fact testifies to the mutual penetration of various ways of thinking and the dualistic unity of seeming opposites. By interpreting the technocracism as a concept of the power of professionals based on scientific and technical knowledge, the author suggests that the development of education should be based on dualistic unity, and not on the contrast between natural science and humanitarian knowledge. The author notes that at the current stage of the development of civilization the priority task is to prepare transprofessionals with integral interdisciplinary professional competencies that are able to solve professional tasks at the intersection of various sciences, while understanding the social consequences of their actions. According to the author, technocratism ensures the transition from ideas about the desired image of a graduate of an educational institution to a truly developed professionally competent person with fundamental education. At the same time, humanistic values determined by the culture and national traditions of their country should provide high ethical and moral personal qualities of a transprofessional, without which sufficient civic responsibility and an active life position in conditions of continuous technogenic transformations in all spheres of life are impossible.

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