
The aim of the research is to determine to which specific type each of the twelve terminological systems of the sublanguage of medicine belongs based on the evolutive characteristics of their formation and development. The paper notes that the modern approach to the study of terminology should be based on an objective analysis and operate not only with minimal units, but also with larger units that are rarely studied, i.e. terminological systems. The scientific novelty of the research lies in describing and comparing macrosystem objects of the sublanguage of medicine within the framework of typological terminology studies and in obtaining theoretical generalisations based on the material of the paper, which can be taken into account in works on the typology of terminological systems of other professionally significant areas. As a result of studying the evolutive characteristics, the typological features of old and young sets of naming units have been identified and the distribution of macro-objects into four types has been obtained. The semantic and structural characteristics of naming units corresponding to the types of terminological systems have been described. The extralinguistic factors influencing the processes of updating special units and changing the volumes of the terminological systems belonging to the sublanguage of medicine have been revealed.

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