
The article discusses current issues of regulation of social and economic territorial development by an organizational mechanism for creating clusters that allows you to coordinate the efforts of stakeholders - cluster members and consumers of products manufactured by enterprises, to effectively make forecasts and trends of internal and external economic development, including adjusting the course of development. It is shown that in the Russian economy there are features of the formation and management of clusters. Among the factors hindering the development of the cluster model is a formal institutional structure designed to coordinate cluster development. The condition for progressive development and successful work in the conditions of a cluster model is mutual trust and sovereignty of participants, participation of all in strategic planning. The main advantage of the cluster model is the ability to develop small and medium-sized businesses, which is expressed in strengthening and enhancing the potential of the region in solving the key tasks of its development. It has been established that the particularly significant prospects of the cluster model are the solution of import substitution issues, since it will be possible to replace expensive imported equipment with high-quality analogues of domestic production, which will create favorable conditions for the development and functioning of the domestic market of tools, instruments and equipment, and improve the financial condition of domestic industrial enterprises. The implementation of projects in a cluster model allows us to solve problems related to the advanced training of engineering personnel and their level by involving new research and educational institutions in the cluster. This satisfies the needs of cluster members in educational services. It is noted that in modern conditions, clustering processes determine the prospects of social and economic development and initiatives. It is especially important that these processes take place in industry, for which the formation of clusters remains a strategic model and a mechanism to realize the competitive advantages of the regional and national economies.

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