
The article reveals the need for digital transformation of Ukrainian society and integration of the economy into a single European digital space. The digital transformation programs of the European Union were analyzed: Europe and the global information society, eEurope, e-Europe 2002, i2010, Europe2020: Digital agenda for Europe. The main stages of the European Union’s support for digital transformation in Ukraine are revealed: EGOV4Ukraine, EU4DigitalUA. The trends in the export of IT services during 2015–2022 were analyzed. It was established that the dynamic development of the Ukrainian IT sphere, which was aimed at export, was observed during the last decade. Export orientation was manifested in the structure of IT companies and the products they offer. In the study of the development of the IT sphere in the pre-war period, experts considered three scenarios of the development of the export potential of the industry – basic, optimistic and pessimistic. On the basis of the analysis of the expected results of the implementation of the “Digital Europe” program in Ukraine and the existing scenarios of the development of the IT industry, a calculation of the forecast volumes of the export of IT services was carried out. It is established that the war slowed down the pace of development of the IT industry. The expected volume of export of IT services, even with the successful implementation of the “Digital Europe” program, will not make it possible to achieve the basic development scenario. It has been established that for the growth of the export of digital technologies, including IT services, an adequate response to modern challenges and the presence of a strategy for integration into the European digital space are necessary. The increase in the export of IT services can compensate for the temporary loss of foreign exchange earnings and tax revenues to the budget, since this area is independent of many factors and allows remote work. Such measures of digital transformation of the national economy should contribute to the mutually beneficial participation of Ukraine in the single European digital space, the creation of jobs and ensuring the inflow of currency into the country. Success depends on joint efforts of the state and business.

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