
Today, information technology in one way or another covers almost all spheres of human life. The world economy is gradually moving into the Internet space. In the context of globalization of the economy, the competitiveness of the State is increasingly determined by the degree of development and practical use of information technologies, which today are an instrument for the development of the modern economy. The article graphically presents the dependence of the level of economic development of countries on the level of spending on information technology. The classical structure of the IT sector and legislative definition of the main categories, including: information service, information product and information technology, are provided. Ukraine’s positions in international IT ratings and in some related rankings are determined. It is determined that in recent years Ukrainian IT enterprises occupy advanced or leading positions and demonstrate positive dynamics of their own activities. The reasons for this rise, despite the general economic backwardness, can be considered an impressive growth of the software development market, as evidenced by statistics of the World Bank, PwC, the Association «IT-Ukrayina» and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The structure and dynamics of exports of IT services in Ukraine is analyzed. The main consumers have been identified. The analysis of tax revenues to the State budget from the activities of IT enterprises and freelancers in this sphere is carried out. It is defined that the growth of demand for Ukrainian IT services is facilitated by: financial factor, slight sensitivity of IT in Ukraine to economic fluctuations, prestige of work in the IT sphere in Ukraine, historically strong side of technical education, reduction of bureaucracy and positive trends in the taxation system, geographical location of the country. In addition, the largest asset of the IT industry in Ukraine is a huge pool of IT professionals, which has no analogues in the quality of skills.

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