This article gives a characterization of the specific features of the Chinese art of flute performance and the methods of manufacturing the Chinese bamboo “Xiao” flute [萧]. The author describes the specificity of the construction of and materials for this type of flute and recounts the history of the flute – one of the most ancient musical instruments known to mankind. The reasons for its broad popularity and dissemination, as researched and defined by the author, are discussed. The principles of playing this flute, the different manners of performance, as well as the different versions of the instrument are elaborated. The author recounts about the symbolic and cultural significance of bamboo in China. The meaning and symbolism of the flute itself are demonstrated, confirmations of which are cited in ancient Chinese treatises; at the same time art (including the art of flute playing) for the Chinese is demonstrated as the “Tao expressed in feelings.” At the modern stage, the art of playing the Xiao flute has acquired a mass character in China. The technical skill of solo and ensemble varieties of performance on this instrument is greatly accumulating. Not only traditional ensembles, but also music written by modern composers, make use of the Xiao flute. The echoes of ancient musical culture are imprinted in the sound of this small instrument. At the same time, the Xiao flute has also demonstrated itself as being remarkably close to the artistic demands of modern times. Keywords: flute, bamboo flute, flute manufacturing, construction of the Xiao flute, China.
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