
Abstract The paper suggests a new classification of Slavic place names in the content plan (on the Old Russian annalistic material), based on the functional-structural approach developed in the works by V. Blanár and R. Šrámek. As the semantics of a proper name is formed both by its relationship with an object (the referential identification) and a hierarchical set of socially and pragmatically important features (the presuppositional identification), the paper distinguishes two modes of nomination, in accordance with the character of the relationship between a name and a referent, variability of which allows to discover and structurize onymic features. The direct nomination implies the designation of an object as such, on the assumption of its immanent feature characterizing it as a whole. The indirect mode denotes an object through its relationship with other reality. The classification is based on a strict dichotomic principle that allows to identify nominational features forming the basic content structure of the Slavic toponymy, and has a two-level ‒ nominational and semantic ‒ character that consequently reflects the double ‒ onomastic and linguistic ‒ status of a proper name.

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