
The relevance of the scientific article is due to the reform of the prosecutor's office. In the process of transforming the prosecutor's office system, it is necessary to introduce in its activity modern practices aimed at improving the effectiveness of the prosecutor's office. In this regard, there is a need for scientific study of the organizational support of the prosecutor's office. The purpose of the scientific article is to define the concept and elements of organizational support for the activities of the prosecutor's office. The basis for studying the organizational support of the prosecutor's office is theoretical studies of the organization of work and management in the prosecutor's office. Based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as scientific sources, organizational support is considered in broad and narrow meanings. Thus, in a wide meaning, this concept can be defined as a complex of all measures, means and resources that are necessary for the operation of the prosecutor's office. Elements of organizational support for the prosecutor's office in a broad sense are: personnel support, information support, financing, logistics, innovative and technological support. In a narrow sense, organizational support provides a set of techniques and means aimed at streamlining the work of the prosecutor's office, ensuring its controllability as a system and effective exercise by prosecutors. So organizational support includes the administration of the prosecutor's office and ensuring work in the prosecutor's office. It was concluded that it is necessary to improve the normative regulation of organizational support for the prosecutor's office in section X of the Law of Ukraine «On the prosecutor's office». At the same time, a systematic approach is important, involving formation of an integrated mechanism of organizational support for the activities of the prosecutor's office and identification of the subjects responsible for this. Perspective directions for further scientific researches within the defined topic of the study are used to analyze individual elements of the prosecutor's office, as well as the study of the best practices of the organization of the prosecutor's office.

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