
The relevance of the topic chosen for the research is primarily caused by the reforming and development of higher education system in the PRC as well as by the effort of the country to guarantee and improve the quality of higher education against the backdrop of its rapid development. After the end of the “Cultural Revolution” in China, great socio-political, economic and cultural changes require both the adequate transformation of higher education and the assessment of its quality. Until today, a complete uniform system for assessing the activities of higher education institutions to ensure and constantly improve the quality of higher education has not been formed in China. The paper summarizes the main reasons for the necessity of reforming the system of assessment of higher education institutions performance in new social conditions of China and describes the process of development and improvement of this system in the context of the development of higher education in China. The author analyzes the functions and technologies of various evaluation mechanisms in this system, such as accreditation, assessment of accredited specialties for training in higher education institutions, assessment of the universities’ educational activity on baccalaureate, licensing, universities’ self-assessment and independent professional public assessment. Using the specific examples, the author notes the process of implementation and optimization of the abovementioned evaluation tools, points out their functional and methodological weaknesses as well as the non-systemic and uncoordinated interaction. Based on the results of the work on the assessment of the universities’ activity in China and considering the strategic priorities of the development of education in 2010–2020, the trends in the development of evaluation system of Chinese universities are shown to enhance the effectiveness of this system and to ensure the quality of higher education in the country.

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