
Risks are inherent in all types of enterprise activities, so it is worth talking about marketing risks or marketing risks. In the activities of enterprises marketing risks play a significant role, however, they insufficiently researched. Risks in the field of marketing activities are necessary interpreted as a separate function of marketing management, due to the uncertainty of the factors of the internal and external environment of the enterprise when making marketing decisions. Standard risk assessment techniques can be used to identify and assess marketing risks. Identification and assessment of marketing risks is carried out at the stage of marketing analysis, and their neutralization at the stage of operational marketing. At the stage of marketing analysis, marketing risks are identified and evaluated. The stages of marketing research in the risk management process are the definition of marketing research goals, the development of tasks, the evaluation of marketing information, the organization and planning of marketing research and its implementation, the development of recommendations, the preparation of a report and the presentation of results. Since there is every reason to believe that the level of risk and uncertainty both in the world and in the Ukrainian economy will only grow over time, the problem of effective risk management becomes urgent. At the same time, the goal of such management is not to reduce risk as such, but to ensure the most attractive ratio for the investor between expected income and risk. Risk management in market conditions is an integral element of assessing the market situation during marketing research, for identifying and forecasting the market situation, assessing the market situation. One of the ways to minimize marketing risks is the process of optimizing production costs and product promotion costs as an element of marketing product policy, which will allow for the formation of correct management decisions. The article examines the process of identifying marketing risks and characterizes the stages of risk management in marketing activities.

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