The article presents the analysis of treatment of posttraumatic tracheoesophageal fistula caused by long staying of a flat battery in the esophagus lumen. The analysis cover treatment of two children at the age of 8 months and 1 year 3 months with a severe chemical burn of the esophagus because of long staying of a flat battery in the esophagus lumen. A principal clinical symptom of a disease was a dysphagia. The call for medical help was delayed - from 1 to 3 days. During the first esophagoscopy the excision of battery was done. A total necrosis of a front and lateral side of the esophagus in a cervical esophagus and a backside of trachea caused by the growth of atracheoesophageal fistula. A gastric fistula was performed for food supply. An emerged tracheoesophageal fistula led to the disturbance of breathing, which is why tracheostomy was urgently performed. The first child had a one-stage plastic operation of backside of trachea defect, the second child had a cycling off fragment of the esophagus, this had made it possible to pack off the trachea and stabilize the children's condition. In three months, the children had undergone a reconstructive plastic operation - retrosternal coloesophagoplasty with an extirpation of an esophagus stump. In this case, a backside of trachea was formed from the diverticulum of trachea (a segment of the esophagus after its disconnection).
The article presents the analysis of treatment of posttraumatic tracheoesophageal fistula caused by long staying of a flat battery in the esophagus lumen
A total necrosis of a front and lateral side of the esophagus in a cervical esophagus and a backside of trachea caused by the growth of аtracheoesophageal fistula
A gastric fistula was performed for food supply
В статье приводится анализ лечения посттравматических (химических) трахеопищеводных фистул. Возникший трахеопищеводный свищ приводит к нарушению функции дыхания, в связи с чем в срочном порядке показано наложение трахеостомы, пластика дефекта задней стенки трахеи или выключение фрагмента пищевода, несущего свищ, что позволяет стабилизировать состояние ребёнка. Плановую реконструктивнопластическую операцию – загрудинную колоэзофагопластику – проводили через 3 месяца. Ключевые слова: дети, ожог пищевода, посттравматическая трахеопищеводная фистула
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