
Introduction. Now many people believe that any information can be found on the Internet: the interpretation of words, the selection of synonyms or antonyms, the meaning of phraseologisms, translation from one language to another. Yes, it is possible, but the information received over the Internet is not always correct. Therefore, we believe that only in dictionaries can one find reliable, accurate information.The methods. Comparative training presupposes students' readiness to work with dictionaries of the Kazakh language, and on the basis of these skills, a readiness is formed to work with dictionaries of the Russian language. Solving the tasks of forming a multilingual personality, it is necessary to develop the need for students to constantly use dictionaries in order to improve language competence, enrich vocabulary, and independently perform language and speech tasks. For the implementation of intersubject communications in Russian and native languages, an implicit and explicit comparison of universal and specific phenomena of the native and studied languages was used. Results. One of the main goals of studying the Russian language in a school with the Kazakh language of instruction is to master its lexical wealth. Work with the dictionary of the Russian language should begin by repeating information about the identical dictionary of the Kazakh language, with which they are already familiar from the lessons of their native language. After consolidating knowledge of the dictionary of the Kazakh language (consolidation is carried out in the form of questions and answers and completing practical tasks), the teacher can turn to the dictionary of the Russian language. Such use of dictionaries in Russian language lessons in schools with the Kazakh language of instruction not only expands the vocabulary of students, but also helps to increase their level of knowledge of the Russian language, broadens their horizons in general and knowledge of the theory of language in particular, develops skills in working with books, as well as in general their oral and written speech activity. The scientific novelty of the research results. A review and analysis of scientific literature revealed that all methodologists are unanimous in the usefulness and necessity of using dictionaries in the educational process of the school. Types and types of work with dictionaries proposed and developed by specialists at the school are scientifically based and convincing. However, no techn-?que is universal. Each contingent, school, class require their own methodology, interpretation, since national traditions, way of thinking, perception of the world are specific. Therefore, work with dictionaries in schools with the Kazakh language of instruction also requires its scientific justification, the development of its own methodology, namely, training in the use of Russian dictionaries in comparison with dictionaries of the Kazakh language. Conclusion When teaching the Russian language dictionaries, we, based on the principle of interconnected teaching of Russian and Kazakh languages on the material of the dictionaries of the Russian and Kazakh languages, familiarized ourselves with the Russian language dictionary preceded by a repetition of the identical Kazakh language dictionary. Using a concrete example (lecture lesson plan), we showed how the principle of interconnected teaching of Russian and Kazakh languages is implemented on the basis of material from the dictionaries of Russian and Kazakh languages.

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