
Significance. Studing availability of psychological care to the population is one of the urgent problems of public health, preservation and maintenance of psychological health. The purpose of the study: to assess volumes and availability of psychological care to the Russian population from the point of view of the population, as well as the need for psychological care among the population. Material and methods. Survey and sociological analysis of the data obtained. The study was conducted through a semi-formalized questionnaire. The method used is a mass survey of the population - individual semi-formalized interviews at the place of residence (apartment survey) according to the developed questionnaire. Evaluation of the quality of medical care and attitude to the healthcare system was based on personal experiance: the respondents were asked to give their assessment based on the results of their recent visits to a doctor / health care facility. This research method ensures a high level of detalization of responses and personal involvement of the respondents in the study, as well as minimizes influence of external factors (such as public opinion, publications in the media, etc.) on the attitude of the respondents. Results. The study showed a rather low need to consult a psychologist: the overwhelming majority of the respondents noted that they did not need help of this specialist (80.7%). The highest unmet demand for psychological care was registered in million-plus cities and small towns (17.8% and 17.3%, respectively). First of all, Muscovites have a history of such care seeking– the share of care seekers is twice higher than the average one (8.3%), and the lowest need for psychological care was identified in medium size cities - 83.8%. The overall need for psychological care based on the responses of the respondents can be estimated at 19-20%. That is, every fifth resident of the Russian Federation needs help of a professional medical psychologist. Conclusion. The need to consult a psychologist is rather low: the vast majority of the respondents noted that they did not need help of this specialist. However, the study has revealed a high unmet demand for psychological care associated with defects in organization of psychological care delivery to population. Scope of application. The study results can be used by executive authorities in regulatory practice and decision-making on issues related to optimizing the use of medical psychologists in the system of public health protection.

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