
The article deals with the patronymic surnames derived from Ukrainian variants of Christian names which are the most widespread among anthroponyms. The review of Ukrainian scientists’ papers dealing with studying various aspects of the anthroponymic microsystem “Patronymic surnames”, the problems of their lexicographic processing has been done. The ways of patronymic surname formation from the most widespread masculine Ukrainian variants of Christian names are investigated on large factual material. As the analysis proves, the most substantial part of surnames has been formed from the Ukrainian variants of masculine Christian names. The popularity of names both masculine does not influence the productivity of surname formation. Sometimes a less spread name may form much more surnames than a more popular one. The overwhelming majority of surnames derived both from masculine names has been formed by means of suffixation (186 or 88,6 % with 210 surnames), 77 surnames of them with the help of two suffixes (51 surnames or 27,4 % of masculine names). Non-affixal way, i.e. the case when the surname is identical with the name, gave rise to 31 surnames (24 surnames or 12,9 % from masculine names). To derive surnames from masculine names 27 suffixes are used. The most widely used suffixes to produce surnames from masculine names appeared to be suffixes -енк (-єнк) – 22 surnames correspondingly, -ук (-юк) – 20 surnames and -чук (–щук),– 18 surnames. 13 suffixes were used once to form surnames from masculine names: -ин-, -юр-, -ют-, -юш-, -ицьк-, -очк-, -н-, -ун, -аш, -ан, -ай, -ур-, -ник.

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