
A new round of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of Russia determines the need to be guided by international and national principles of sustainable development of territories. Industrial companies developing the territories of traditional nature management should interact with indigenous population, participate in the socio-economic development of the region, pay damage compensation of traditional economic activity when withdrawn from economic management. The absence of certain rules, procedures, rights and obligations, deadlines in the norms of conciliation procedures leads to the fact that subsoil users evade payments to associations of indigenous small-numbered peoples. The results of the practical experience of ethnological expert examination in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Krasnoyarsk Territory indicate a low activity of subsoil users in working with local indigenous communities. At the same time, representatives of small-numbered indigenous peoples can wait for years for accrued compensation payments for the damage to the original living environment of indigenous peoples. The article considers the procedure for concluding an agreement on compensation payments for the damage caused (inflicted) in areas of traditional residency and economic activity of associations of indigenous small-numbered peoples. A brief overview of federal and regional regulatory-legal acts on damage compensation to the traditional way of life and traditional economic activities of associations of indigenous small-numbered peoples and its representatives is presented. An interview with the heads of nomadic tribal communities who have passed an ethnological examination is conducted and according to its results an agreement is concluded. A draft agreement on compensation payments for damage caused (inflicted) in places of traditional residency and traditional economic activity transferred to associations of indigenous small-numbered peoples is proposed.

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