
The article presents the stages of the creative path and the results of many years of work of the outstanding scientist Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Inessa Ivanovna Salivon, who is the founder of the Belarusian school of Anthropology. Her research has given development to several scientific directions in the science of man, such as gender, age, territorial and ecological variability of the physical type of the adult population; the formation of physique in the process of growth and maturation of the child's body; constitutional features of morphogenesis. Since 1965, she began to develop the direction of historical anthropology, devoting her work to the formation and research of osteological collections on the population that lived on the territory of our republic during the II millennium of the new era. The osteological material obtained as a result of the excavations served as a link between the ancient and the now living population in the study of the formation of regional anthropological features of the indigenous population. The aim of this work was the desire to recreate a holistic picture of the historical process of the formation of the physical type of the population, starting from the settlement of the territory by the Slavs up to the present, as well as to identify changes in the physical type of the modern population throughout the life cycle, that is, in the process of ontogenesis. A significant part of Inessa Ivanovna's scientific activity was devoted to the study of the patterns of formation of physical development of children. She conducted a unique longitudinal (from 1982 to 1991), as well as a number of screening studies of morphological parameters in children and adolescents of both sexes. This is a fundamental work, where a comprehensive program was used, which included numerous morphological signs characterizing physical development and features of somatic status, including the development of subcutaneous fat, body proportions, kefalometry indicators and others. Inessa Ivanovna is the author of the development of a new method in anthropology – quantitative assessment of body type.

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