
The article with the use of a comprehensive systematic analysis of legal phenomena, in the context of the Constitution of Ukraine, current legislation, considers the role and place of the prosecutor's office in the mechanism of separation of powers. The urgency of the study is due to the participation of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine in the state mechanism for ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, which has scientific- theoretical and practical significance. It is noted that the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine is one of the main law enforcement agencies, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms. In the system of separation of powers, the prosecutor's office occupies a secluded place. This definition of the legal status allows the prosecutor's office to more effectively perform the main task – the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is the independence of the prosecutor's office that is a necessary condition for ensuring the protection of constitutional rights. It is stated that the current stage of development of the prosecutor's office indicates constant changes in its legal status. This means that there is no ideal prosecutor's office, because the legislation and society in the country are developing dynamically and bringing the law on the prosecutor's office in line with the realities of life is a regularity. Specific features of the prosecutorial power indicate that it should be part of the system of checks and balances in relations with branches of government.

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