
The work purpose is to increase the productivity of bulk material separation by means of engineering process development based on fundamentally new engineering equipment in the form of spiral sieves, the novelty of which is confirmed by six patents for invention of the Russian Federation. In the work there was used a complex method of investigations. 
 Analytical methods allowed offering dependences for the definition of bulk material longitudinal motion speed in spiral sieves. Experimental investigations were carried out in order to confirm analytical dependences. The analytical investigation of bulk material separation into fractions for the purpose of conditional model choice for its description is presented. A mathematical model choice is fulfilled. There is analyzed a model of continuous medium and that of a material particle. A mathematical model is developed to determine a speed of longitudinal motion of bulk material from charging to unloading. There is presented not only a circuit and an experimental plant created in metal version, but the results of experimental investigations of bulk medium motion parameters subject to spiral sieve design peculiarities are shown which presented a coincidence level high enough.

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