
The subject of this article is the perception of creativity and personality of M. Gorky by A. Platonov. The methodological basis of the work is the motivic analysis of the texts of both authors, produced against the background of the study of the historical and literary context. The methodological basis of the work is the motivic analysis of the texts of both authors, carried out against the background of the study of the historical and literary context. The study is based on Platonov’s later articles “The First Date with A. M. Gorky” and “Pushkin and Gorky”, as well as his lyrical and philosophical poems in prose, created in the early 1920s. As analysis has shown, this corpus of early works clearly echoes Gorky’s early poem “The Man”. In it, the main motive, as in Platonov’s poems, is the motive of thought. However, creatively developing the main provisions of Gorky’s poem, Platonov does not blindly follow the unilinear logic of the pretext, but comprehends it in his characteristic manner of multi-vector movement of thought.

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