
The article analyzes the phenomenon of transonymization of the toponym Chernobyl in the Ukrainian use and poetic discourse. It is proved that according to the traditional metonymic model ‘place [city] of event → event’ a homonymous chrononym is formed, in particular such its variety as catastrophony or excithonym (name of world catastrophe) as a more narrow variant. It is emphasized that researchers of semantic-associative development of the onym Chernobyl did not discover the phenomenon of transonymization. It is stated that both the toponym Chernobyl and the chrononym, which is formed as a result of transonymy, exist in the Ukrainian poetic discourse. The peculiarities of their paradigmatics are revealed. In particular, the use of the oikonym Chernobyl is accompanied by the following semantic increments ‘a place of accident, danger’, ‘an uninhabited / abandoned city’, ‘an exclusion / disaster zone’, ‘radiation’, ‘life’, ‘death’. In literary texts, the catastrophony Chernobyl clearly reveals temporal semantics with the help of temporal prepositions or comparison with the temporal lexeme. This onym shows a strong associative connection with death, sometimes actualizing the semes, which testify to the closeness of its referent with the corresponding natural elements ‘fire’, ‘wind’. The chrononym Chernobyl also reveals the meaning of a large-scale all-Ukrainian or global disaster, often used with other excitonyms, combined with the meaning of ‘nuclear explosion’. In the poetic discourse, the case of further transonymization of the catastrophony Chornobyl, from which the corresponding zoonym is formed, is revealed, as well as the noticeable movement of this chrononym in the direction of pragmatonymy. The writers use a step-by-step individual-authorial unfolding of the semantics of the onym Chornobyl, accompanied by the obligatory sacralization or, conversely, demonization of its referent. On the example of the onym Chernobyl we can observe the connection of poetic discourse with the usual tendencies of transonymization, which gives grounds to reveal the specifics of the individual-author approach to the creation of new proper names in this way.

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