
Metaverse is a space where communication and interaction similar to those in the real world are possible and new experiences can be pursued through the provision of various contents and services. Owing to the recent advancements in the application of artificial intelligence (AI), Metaverse is expected to expand. The convergence of metaverse and AI overcomes the limitations of communication, resolves difficulties in creating space, and maximizes the use of internal and external data. In this study, we present the status of existing studies implemented within the Metaverse Platform virtual campus of Korea Polytechnic and the design of an advanced model that enhances interaction using machine learning such as the latest GPT technology and LLM. We propose to provide an LLM-based interactive internal information search service to improve the user environment by efficiently utilizing internal data and communicating in natural language. In future studies, we will focus on the detailed design of domain data capable of general-purpose services and implementation of the advanced model designed in this study. Thereafter, we intend to design and construct our own reliable LLM model and perform performance evaluation through with external LLM models.

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