
The article examines the problems of the development of oral and written speech of foreign students in the study of the scientific style of speech, on the experience of teachers of the department of world literature and Russian linguistics at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Lugansk, analyzes the difficulties of practical mastery of scientific speech and outlines the prospects for further study of the problem. The principles of selection and organization of the text material proposed in the article, intended for teaching the abstraction of printed material, will contribute to the solution of the problem of formation of appropriate skills of foreign students, in particular the ability to recognize, understand and use synonymous structures, find and select the necessary information. According to the author, the most important form of work on written speech is abstract. It is necessary when preparing for a seminar class and a laboratory work, for a credit and an exam, when writing term papers and diploma works. The abstract acts both as an independent work with certain communication tasks and as a goal of teaching Russian as a foreign language. As an example, a step-by-step plan of work is proposed for the training of lecture notes at the initial stage. The author sees the further development of this problem in the teaching of Ukrainian as a foreign language, the creation of a textbook on the scientific style of speech, the selection of scientific texts, the ordering of scientific terminology, the correlation of grammatical models of two related Slavic languages.

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