
The article is dedicated to the wide circle of questions, connected with the state registration procedure foreseen for a number of contracts by the law. The registration objects’ pluralism and registrating bodies’ diversity are pointed to. The rule of p. 3 art. 433 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a plenty of changes in the civil legislation in the connection with the registrating procedure in a contracts are comprehended. Particular attention is made to the consequences of registrating demand’s infringement for different registrating objects (obligatory and disposal contracts, contract’s consequences). Regulations of contemporary law, various it’s changings during the last years, existing mistakes and demerits are under analyzing. Author’s point of view to the comprehension and using the rule of p. 3 art. 433 CC RF and some other rules is formulated. A number of conclusions (for example, about the separate effect of the p. 3 art. 433 CC RF’s rule for contract’s participants and for third persons, about the fiction of contract’s registration for it’s participants) is made and argued. Made conclusions are scrutinizing on the examples of various contracts, in which the registrating procedure is used. They are obligatory contracts (selling immovable property and business, leasing immovable property, building, construction, business) and disposal ones (mortgage, cession, novation of a debt, transference an immovable property object in the confidential managing property contract, giving a right in the commercial concession and licence contracts). Besides the Civil Code’s regulations special legislation touching upon questions of rights and bargains’ registration is used.

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