
The fundamental issue of constructing a nine-point quadric was frequently discussed by mathematicians in the 19th century. They failed to find a simple linear geometric dependence that would join ten points of a quadric (similar to Pascal's theorem, which joins six points of a conic section). Nevertheless, they found different algorithms for a geometrically accurate construction (using straightedge and compass or even using straightedge alone) of any number of points of a quadric that passes through nine given points. While the algorithms are quite complex, they can be implemented only with the help of computer graphics. The paper proposes a simplified computer-based realization of J.H. Engel’s well-known algorithm, which makes it possible to define the ninepoint quadric metric. The proposed graphics algorithm can be considered an alternative to the algebraic solution of the stated problem. The article discusses two well-known graphical algorithms for constructing a quadric (the Rohn — Papperitz algorithm and the J.H. Engel algorithm) and proposes a simplified version of the J.H. algorithm. For its constructive implementation using computer graphics. All algorithms allow you to determine the set of points and the set of flat sections of the surface of the second order, given by nine points. The Rohn — Papperitz algorithm, based on the spatial configuration of Desargues, is best suited for its implementation on an axonometric drawing using 3D computer graphics. Algorithm J.H. Engel allows you to solve a problem on the plane. The proposed simplified constructive version of the algorithm J.H. Engel is supplemented with an algorithm for constructing the principal axes and symmetry planes of a quadric, given by nine points. The construction cannot be performed with a compass and a ruler, since this task reduces to finding the intersection points of two second-order curves with one known general point (third degree task). For its constructive solution, a computer program is used that performs the drawing of a second order curve defined by an arbitrarily specified set of five points and tangents (both real and imaginary). The proposed graphic algorithm can be considered as an alternative to the algebraic solution of the problem.

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