
The development of the Internet space and the transition of a part of business operations to the online mode served as the starting point for the global process of digitalization of society in general and the economy in particular, which soon enough began to affect the business models used since business management processes required transformation and optimization. This is also true for catering establishments. In the context of the rapid development of IT technologies and the widespread introduction of innovative approaches to business management processes, such as Big Data and Machine Learning, the catering industry also did not stand aside and began to actively use the opportunities provided by these tools. As a result, new service formats began to appear in the restaurant business, such as “reserving a table on the website”, “reserving a table online”, etc. Thus, it became necessary to study the degree of transformation of business models in this area. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and degree of transformation of traditional business models of public catering enterprises in the context of digitalization. The research methods are comparative analysis, statistical analysis, benchmarking, classification, and ranking. The authors conclude that modern Russian public catering enterprises are striving to switch to a digital business model since its advantages are quite obvious.

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