
As a result of long-term studies of natural forests in the Rostov region, more than 450 geobotanical descriptions of natural forest vegetation were performed, an inventory of forest flora and an ecological and floral classification of vegetation was carried out. Forest communities are described, represented by 6 classes (Carpino-Fagetea, Quercetea pubescentis, Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae, Alnetea glutinosae, Salicetea purpureae and Crataego-Prunetea), 7 unions (Scillo siberica-Quercion roboris, Aceri tatarici-Quercion, Alnion incanae, Alnion glutinosae, Salicion albae, berberidion vulgaris, Prunion Fruticosae) and 18 associations, 9 subassociations and more than 40 variants, 10 un-ranked communities. Plant species listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region (2014) were noted, including 9 species of Federal protection status, 8 species listed in the IUCN Red List (2014), and 11 species listed in the European Red List (2011). 75 rare species of plants were found in the natural forests of the region. After analyzing the geobotanical descriptions, the rare species were divided into 6 groups, relative to the topographical and historical characteristics of the forest. Key areas in forest areas for monitoring rare plant species are proposed and justified. A list of species recommended for inclusion in the new edition of the Red Book of the Rostov region has been compiled.

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