
초록·키워드 목차 오류제보하기 Apartment complexes are the most common type of housing in Korean urban areas. In the single ("Danil") contract system, which is the most widely adopted electricity rate system in apartments in Korea, the total electricity charge for a whole apartment complex is calculated based on the average consumption per household by adding up the usage in common areas. Then, the total electricity charge is distributed to each household. From the current distribution method, this paper identifies abnormal distribution results through simulation studies. It is confirmed that the amount paid by each household is affected by the consumptions of other households. The results confirm that the current single (“Danil”) contract system violates the "Beneficiary pays principle", which is a primary principle for service fairness. #Electricity Bill #Single (“Danil”) Contract #Simulation #Scenario Analysis #Sensitivity Analysis AbstractⅠ. 서론Ⅱ. 문헌 연구Ⅲ. 시뮬레이션 연구Ⅳ. 결론참고문헌

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