
The article considers the problem of processing, translation of the author’s music and the importance of arranging the guitar works in the development of musical abilities of students of schools of aesthetic education.It is substantiated that the use of arrangements for the development of the students’ musical abilities is determined by the musical life itself, its practice, and the needs of constant active updating of the pedagogical repertoire. The ultimate goal of this process is to promote the development of musical abilities of students through the use of specially selected and reworked musical works, which, influencing the child’s affective sphere, are able to develop higher mental functions – thinking, will, motivation and enrich the children’s musical experience that is necessary for further music education. It is stated that arranging is an effective means of developing the musical abilities of students of schools of aesthetic education in the guitar class, their thinking, general musical and inner hearing, memory, sense of form, sense of instrument, ensemble sense, and musicality.The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the processes of arranging, processing and translating musical guitar works for the development of the students’ musical abilities.Conclusions. 1. The main directions of arrangement: translation of the author’s guitar works to another composition of performers; arrangements for guitar masterpieces of instrumental music; translation for guitar of solo vocal works; processing of mass and pop songs, jazz and pop hits, creation of potpourri and suites on their material; processing and rethinking of folk samples (folk songs); translations for guitar music into cartoons and feature films and computer games. 2. The use of arrangements for guitar allows teachers to focus their efforts on awakening the independent creativity of students of schools of aesthetic education, on the gradual discovery and development of the children’s musical abilities and professional growth of their teacher-arranger. 3. Translation of instrumental, vocal, orchestral works for guitar is a creatively active work related to solving aesthetic problems.

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