
Objective of research: the analysis of Coenurus cerebralis found in the brain of a bison from
 Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Biosphere Reserve of the Moscow region.
 Materials and methods. We have conducted the euthanasia and dissection of the brain of a
 bison calf due to manifestation of clinical neurological symptoms.
 Results and discussion: After brain dissection, a strange large dumb-bell shaped vesicle was
 revealed in the brain tissue. On the inner surface of the vesicle the protoscolexes of helminthwere
 found. The surrounding brain tissue was significantly atrophied, cerebral meninges were swollen,
 and fissures were smoothed.
 To confirm the species belonging of the parasite, a part of surface with 50 protoscolexes was
 fed to a 6 mo. aged dog. 2,5 months later, Тaenia multiceps proglottids were revealed in dog’s
 feces, which confirmed the belonging of Coenurus cerebralis. It was found, that the bison might
 be one of the intermediate hosts for this helminth.

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