
The study analyzed the natural plant species of the Basitchay State Nature Reserve, located in the south of the Lesser Caucasus (Zangelan District), the population status of plants in the areas, the taxonomic composition of trees, shrubs and grasses. To this end, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Institute of Dendrology of Azerbaijan NAS got acquainted with the current situation in the district. During the monitoring, satellite images, GPS coordinates, etc. were used. Soil samples brought from the site were examined for 14 indicators of the mineral composition using Palintest equipment, soil sets 400. Quercus iberica grows in the forest cover of the mountainous part of the region and Carpinus caucasica, 2 types of junipers: Juniperus foetidissima, J. depressa Stev. and hybrid, there are Pistacia mutica, sorbus, mulberry, willow, poplar, hawthorn, foxglove, mountain xerophilous plants, shrubs, blackthorn, etc. Q. araxina, Celtis caucasica Willd., Carpinus orentalis, Pistacia mutica, Acer iberica grow on dry stony slopes, Ulmus araxina Takht. = U. minor Mill. Pyrus salicifolia forms woodlands with juniper. Such forests are characterized by xerophytic shrubs: Atraphaxis spinosa, Lonicera iberica, Cerasus microcarpa, Ephedra intermedia Schrenk. et. Camei, Rhamnus pallasii and Paliurus spina-christi. As a result, 27 species of trees, 18 shrubs and 11 species of herbs have been registered in the Basitchai State Nature Reserve. Of these species, 17 rare, endangered trees, 3 shrubs, 3 grass species, 6 trees and 2 shrubs of relict and endemic species have been identified.

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