
The present study provides the results of sociologi-cal research conducted in April-May 2020 in the city of Yakutsk and aimed at studying popular ethnocul-tural associations of the city of Yakutsk. There were used the following three methods: online survey, content analysis and expert interview. The research was carried out using an online platform Google Forms. The analysis was performed by means of SPSS Statistics, a statistical analysis software plat-form. Five hundred respondents took part in the online survey. The results of the study showed that the most popular ethnocultural associations are: the patriotic organization “Us Tumsuu”, the social movement “Association of Youth Organizations of Uluses (Regions) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ‘Zemlyachestvo’”, the sports and patriotic club “Uraangkhai”, the “Tumen” association. The follow-ing five Yakut news sites were selected for the con-tent analysis: online media Ysia.ru, YakutiaMedia.ru, SakhaNews, News.Ykt.Ru and Yakutia.Info. There were carried out expert interviews with five leaders of popular ethnocultural associations of the city of Yakutsk. The present study also offers recommenda-tions for the further work of similar ethnocultural associations of the city of Yakutsk and preserving cultural and ethnic features of the Sakha people.

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