
The article analyzes the use of individual names, images and concepts from the great ancient heritage in the story "The Artist" by Taras Shevchenko. The tale selected for the study, as well as other prose works of the writer, testified a thorough knowledge of their author in the history of Greek and ancient Roman culture and literature, skillful use of certain plots, characters from ancient times to characterize individuals, their personal qualities, or when the master as a highly educated art historian has told readers about fine art works by world-class artists or in other similar situations. Following the wise instructions of many of his friends, particularly the outstanding classicist painter, brilliant master of ceremonial portrait K. Bryullov, T. Shevchenko thoroughly researched the works of ancient historians, philosophers and poets, studied European languages, and in most cases he used topics from Bible, ancient Greek and Roman history for his paintings and art works. The ancient topos of the Ukrainian artist were formed first in painting, and later or in parallel - in words that accompanied throughout his creative career. Realizing ancient and life phenomenon, the writer has reproduced them through the prism of his own artistic vision; it is especially masterful in the tale genre. T.Shevchenko lived the inner life of his characters, worked out and applied a whole range of feelings and experiences, through which he resorted to demonstration of new and more significant means of artistic expression. In the story "The Artist" the author employed a lot of antique images that are connected with the direct artistic function of the story of the fate of a young artist, who in a short period of life turned from an apprentice "in a shabby greasy robe" into a trendsetter. The writer depicted the young author of paintings practically from the time of his redemption from serfdom until the last days of his life. In this tale the young artist overcame various difficulties, sufferings, found the strength and cleverness to develop creativity, at the same time he expressed respect and obedience to friends, teachers, mentors. The writer was leading his young artist through a number of different situations and simultaneously was presenting the great cultural importance of the ancient world. In his story "The Artist" T. Shevchenko revealed the fascinating and unique world of Hellenic antiquity, presented to the reader a great number of the ideals that he professed.

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