
This study examines real estate transaction types according to goods, and reveals their characteristics and causes, thereby investigating overall changes in North Korean real estate market under sanctions against North Korea. According to results of this study, the types of real estate transactions are sale or renting, and contracts are concluded in writing or orally. The price of contract is paid on a monthly or daily basis, and in some cases, payment is made by grains instead of renminbi. In Hyesan, transactions of real estate goods for storing Chinese goods are prevalent because the city is located near the border with China. As for transactions by goods, donjus (financiers) are interested in stores and factory buildings, whereas people with no money prefer small land. These characteristics of real estate goods transactions by type may be explained by the signs of change in the real estate policy of authorities and the good real estate market for capital accumulation. Recently tightened sanctions against North Korea block capital accumulation from overseas, and make North Korean donjus interested in domestic real estate transactions. Therefore, while the overall North Korean real estate market shows an increasing trend, real estate goods in Hyesan, such as factories, businesses, and stores, will be used for illegal storage of import and export goods, and it is probable that service business for smuggling will appear in this region.

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